The Elders/Teachers of Kootenai Church exposit verse-by-verse through whole books of the Bible. These sermons can be found within their own podcast series by visiting the KCC Audio Archive.
Latest Episodes
Calvinism vs. Arminianism, Part 1
J.I. Packer in contrasting these two systems of theology is certainly correct in asserting; “one makes salvation dependent on the work of God, the other on the work of...
God’s Eternal Word and Plan (Selected Scriptures)
The Scriptures teach, that God’s providential control extends to all events, even the most minute; thereby, the Scriptures also teach that God’s plan is equally compre...
The Doctrine of Sanctification (Selected Scriptures)
The dominant idea of “sanctification” is separation from sin and the unredeemed world, and the setting apart for a sacred purpose by someone else. Thus, only those “in...
The Doctrine of Total Depravity (Selected Scriptures)
Charles Spurgeon, in his sermon titled Human Inability said this: “Through the fall, and through our own sin, the nature of man has become so debased, so depraved, and...
The Doctrine of Election, Part 2 (Selected Scriptures)
God’s “elect” are those who are “called or chosen” to be saved according to God’s selection to extend mercy and grace.